Higher Ground

To All My Friends:
This crisis has quarantined us! So I’ve published the first volume of my sci-fi novel Higher Ground, which can be purchased here at Amazon:
There is also a Kindle edition available.
Here’s what I say about the novel: This story is about all of us. You, me, your children and, especially, your grandchildren. We are all here in this story because it is a story about our future, or a possible future.Is it a probable future? That part is up to you, well, up to everyone, really. Each chapter or section boasts of news reports. All that are labeled “present day” are taken straight from the web. You decide their relevance to your life. The story is labeled “tomorrow” and that can mean, literally, tomorrow. Or it could mean an Orwellian 2084 or, if you prefer, 2048, because I am, likewise, painting a picture of how badly things could go for the human race. The Critical Mass Chronicles is the story of a conceivable future that is supported by Critical Mass Think, the new collective mentality that is currently sweeping the globe, recasting human values as is spreads…So, as you read, envision the possibilities, or probabilities, and assess for yourself what you will do when you walk out your door tomorrow…
Pease enjoy! And let me know what you think!!
The Candice Poems, embodies Jon’s ardent love for his lady, a demanding taskmaster who requires that reality pervade every line. Fortunately, as a muse and a lover, she is most prolific. Hence, this volume is truly a work of non-fiction.


Back to procreation, that basic difference between men and women. Once the human race starts to accept test-tube babies and genetic engineering, there will be no need for male and female, except to harvest eggs and sperm. Science will solve this, and then the distinction between the genders will truly disappear. Another small part of the MassThinkChain Reactionwill be complete. Change will have occurred on the most basic level. Men and women will be the same. This is gender equality, is it not?

Me, Too?

Another contemporary phenomenon that reveals the MassThink Chain Reactionat work is the Me, Too!movement, which also will result in removing a key cultural distinction between men and women – romance. Aggressive advances by men towards women are already taboo, and the definition of aggression is expanding more and more. Just consider the concept of micro-aggressions, absolutely a MassThinkterm! 

Soon, even more mild advances, once deemed socially acceptable, will likewise become unpopular. Ultimately, any romantic advance (on the part of either gender) will be considered ill form and shunned. People will simply stop doing it; no more romance. This small part of the overall MassThink Chain Reactionwill be complete. Change will have occurred on the most basic level. Men and women will be the same. This is gender equality, is it not?

Gender Equality?

The only true difference between women and women is that women can carry and birth the children and men cannot.

For men and women to be the same, this key distinction must be made to disappear. If a woman and her doctor could decide whether a baby should survive or not after the baby as emerged alive from the womb, then the necessityof birthing and caring for child is eliminated from the condition of being a female. Abort the baby whenever you want, even after it is born. This way, men and women are equal. Men and women are the same. Neither one must carry any children or birth them. This small part of the MassThink Chain Reaction will be complete. Change will have occurred on the most basic level. Men and women will be the same. This is gender equality, is it not?

If I think it, it is true?

Another example is the contemporary flood of belief that thinking something makes it real. That, if someone thinks something, then that something is real. This another aspect of MassThinkat work, assaulting logical thought.

The current emergence of legal infanticide, or late term abortion, is another example of the MassThink Chain Reaction. This is not a “right to life issue”, as it is usually framed, with people lining up on either side of the line.

However, this is truly an instance of how MassThinkoperates. The result of MassThinkgoal will be the elimination of the distinctions between the two traditional genders, men and women. This is commonly known as Gender Equality. 


Allow me to explain:

The media, for example, clearly a tool of powerful interests, promulgates a choice between what is labeled either liberal or conservative, left or right, socialist or capitalist, republican or democrat. Whereas, in reality, the changes we see in society are a function of the chain reactions of MassThinkat work. The Republicans and Democrats, the Capitalists and the Socialists, are all pawns, grist for the mill of MassThink.

All distinctions between humans will disappear as a result of the MassThink. Consider that the biggest distinctions among humans are gender, race, wealth, health, intelligence, culture and physical appearance. This is the list of human values and conditions that the MassThinkworks to change.

Take gender, for example. Up until now, there have only been two. Today, we are experiencing an explosion of genders. We are witnessing the removal of the distinctions between the traditional two genders and, indeed, among all the genders. Soon, the meaning of gender will have changed form a biological condition to a mental state (oh, yeah, this already happened in several places in the U.S.A.).


What is MassThink?

MassThink is the name I have given for all the chain reactions that are occurring in human evolution right now. I believe that these chain reactions will only end when every person is equal, or the same, which means that every oerson thinks the same way. This will result because every indication is that these MassThink Chain Reactionswill terminate in an elimination of the human distinctions, words and logical thought.

MassThink Chain Reaction relies on emotion – the emotion of the mob, the mass, to function. That is why we see a rush to judgment in every public scandal. This is simply more evidence of one rather large MassThink Chain Reactionat work. Logical thought, the caution developed over years of specificity, is now being overwhelmed by MassThink.

MassThink will terminate when logical thought is decimated by limiting the vocabulary human have developed over thousands of years. The definitions of terms, such as racism, are broadened to such an extent that the actual meaning of the concept is totally abolished, watered down to the extent that it is meaningless. When everything is labeled racist, even a white pair of shoes, then the critical meaning of the term is gone.


In Freudian terms, the superego will entirely overtake the ego and the libido (the “id”), thereby controlling completely the functioning of the human brain. The superego can be considered to be our conscience, the influence of society on our values and decisions. Thus, social imperatives, rather than individual wants/wishes/desires, will guide human action and decision-making.

Whether you consider this development a good or bad thing, please recognize that MassThinkwill result in a total narrowing of human thought! After all, people cannot all be the same without all thinking alike!


This Chain ReactionI have termed MassThink.

Actually, the MassThink Chain Reactionis actually composed on many, many smaller phenomena of varying sizes. Some on a global level, some on a national or societal level and others on a personal level. Taken altogether, these chain reactions constitute a species phenomenon: as the human race has reached critical mass with so many human minds cooperating the same time, more than ever before at any time, and more than ever before at once. 

Please consider that no one is to blame. The MassThink Chain Reactionsoccur on their own, a result of humans having reached Critical Mass.

And also recognize that these MassThink Chain Reactionswill not end until the result is a unique combination of a narrowing of how the human brain operates and an expansion of human thought at the same time.

The expansion of human thought will occur in that humans no longer will focus on themselves, individuals, as the most important thing about human existence. Humans will focus on the entire mass of humanity, the entire species, as the most important part of their lives. This process has already begun and requires a diminution of the value of every single, individual human life and a raising to center stage the value of the species, that is, all of us.

In the future, people’s brains will no longer be focused on themselves as the most important aspect of life. Rather, the individual minds, our brains, will become dedicated to the species – the entire human race, everybody as one.

Darwin would say…

Darwin would say that humans, at this point in our evolution, the human species is best served by humans who think about the species first and their individual survival second. The human brain is evolving, changing, from a me first attitude to an us firstattitude. The fittest individuals, at this point in evolution are those who fit in, not those who stand out. Rather than the strong leader of the herd, survival of the fittest now requires strong followers, so to speak, those who prosper most from within the herd. Natural selection will assure that these individuals are the ones to survive.

The fathers of Nulcear fission, Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann, would also agree that humans have reached Critical Mass. They would understand that a Chain Reactionis now occurring, and which will continue on its own without the need of individual human input. They would, perhaps, recognize this chain reaction as a phenomenon happening within the human brain and to the way humans think.