
Back to procreation, that basic difference between men and women. Once the human race starts to accept test-tube babies and genetic engineering, there will be no need for male and female, except to harvest eggs and sperm. Science will solve this, and then the distinction between the genders will truly disappear. Another small part of […]

Me, Too?

Another contemporary phenomenon that reveals the MassThink Chain Reactionat work is the Me, Too!movement, which also will result in removing a key cultural distinction between men and women – romance. Aggressive advances by men towards women are already taboo, and the definition of aggression is expanding more and more. Just consider the concept of micro-aggressions, absolutely a MassThinkterm!  […]

Gender Equality?

The only true difference between women and women is that women can carry and birth the children and men cannot. For men and women to be the same, this key distinction must be made to disappear. If a woman and her doctor could decide whether a baby should survive or not after the baby as […]

If I think it, it is true?

Another example is the contemporary flood of belief that thinking something makes it real. That, if someone thinks something, then that something is real. This another aspect of MassThinkat work, assaulting logical thought. The current emergence of legal infanticide, or late term abortion, is another example of the MassThink Chain Reaction. This is not a “right to life […]


Allow me to explain: The media, for example, clearly a tool of powerful interests, promulgates a choice between what is labeled either liberal or conservative, left or right, socialist or capitalist, republican or democrat. Whereas, in reality, the changes we see in society are a function of the chain reactions of MassThinkat work. The Republicans […]


What is MassThink? MassThink is the name I have given for all the chain reactions that are occurring in human evolution right now. I believe that these chain reactions will only end when every person is equal, or the same, which means that every oerson thinks the same way. This will result because every indication is […]


In Freudian terms, the superego will entirely overtake the ego and the libido (the “id”), thereby controlling completely the functioning of the human brain. The superego can be considered to be our conscience, the influence of society on our values and decisions. Thus, social imperatives, rather than individual wants/wishes/desires, will guide human action and decision-making. […]


This Chain ReactionI have termed MassThink. Actually, the MassThink Chain Reactionis actually composed on many, many smaller phenomena of varying sizes. Some on a global level, some on a national or societal level and others on a personal level. Taken altogether, these chain reactions constitute a species phenomenon: as the human race has reached critical mass with so […]

Darwin would say…

Darwin would say that humans, at this point in our evolution, the human species is best served by humans who think about the species first and their individual survival second. The human brain is evolving, changing, from a me first attitude to an us firstattitude. The fittest individuals, at this point in evolution are those who fit […]

We humans have now achieved Critical Mass.

What does this mean?  Understanding what is happening in the world today is extremely difficult. Traditional norms, traditional ways of knowing, and traditional ways of assessing truth are being challenged. In fact, all values are currently challenged, and I think this is because of the great number of people alive today. The world is fundamentally […]