This Chain ReactionI have termed MassThink.

Actually, the MassThink Chain Reactionis actually composed on many, many smaller phenomena of varying sizes. Some on a global level, some on a national or societal level and others on a personal level. Taken altogether, these chain reactions constitute a species phenomenon: as the human race has reached critical mass with so many human minds cooperating the same time, more than ever before at any time, and more than ever before at once. 

Please consider that no one is to blame. The MassThink Chain Reactionsoccur on their own, a result of humans having reached Critical Mass.

And also recognize that these MassThink Chain Reactionswill not end until the result is a unique combination of a narrowing of how the human brain operates and an expansion of human thought at the same time.

The expansion of human thought will occur in that humans no longer will focus on themselves, individuals, as the most important thing about human existence. Humans will focus on the entire mass of humanity, the entire species, as the most important part of their lives. This process has already begun and requires a diminution of the value of every single, individual human life and a raising to center stage the value of the species, that is, all of us.

In the future, people’s brains will no longer be focused on themselves as the most important aspect of life. Rather, the individual minds, our brains, will become dedicated to the species – the entire human race, everybody as one.