Allow me to explain:

The media, for example, clearly a tool of powerful interests, promulgates a choice between what is labeled either liberal or conservative, left or right, socialist or capitalist, republican or democrat. Whereas, in reality, the changes we see in society are a function of the chain reactions of MassThinkat work. The Republicans and Democrats, the Capitalists and the Socialists, are all pawns, grist for the mill of MassThink.

All distinctions between humans will disappear as a result of the MassThink. Consider that the biggest distinctions among humans are gender, race, wealth, health, intelligence, culture and physical appearance. This is the list of human values and conditions that the MassThinkworks to change.

Take gender, for example. Up until now, there have only been two. Today, we are experiencing an explosion of genders. We are witnessing the removal of the distinctions between the traditional two genders and, indeed, among all the genders. Soon, the meaning of gender will have changed form a biological condition to a mental state (oh, yeah, this already happened in several places in the U.S.A.).