What is MassThink?

MassThink is the name I have given for all the chain reactions that are occurring in human evolution right now. I believe that these chain reactions will only end when every person is equal, or the same, which means that every oerson thinks the same way. This will result because every indication is that these MassThink Chain Reactionswill terminate in an elimination of the human distinctions, words and logical thought.

MassThink Chain Reaction relies on emotion – the emotion of the mob, the mass, to function. That is why we see a rush to judgment in every public scandal. This is simply more evidence of one rather large MassThink Chain Reactionat work. Logical thought, the caution developed over years of specificity, is now being overwhelmed by MassThink.

MassThink will terminate when logical thought is decimated by limiting the vocabulary human have developed over thousands of years. The definitions of terms, such as racism, are broadened to such an extent that the actual meaning of the concept is totally abolished, watered down to the extent that it is meaningless. When everything is labeled racist, even a white pair of shoes, then the critical meaning of the term is gone.