Higher Ground

To All My Friends:
This crisis has quarantined us! So I’ve published the first volume of my sci-fi novel Higher Ground, which can be purchased here at Amazon:
There is also a Kindle edition available.
Here’s what I say about the novel: This story is about all of us. You, me, your children and, especially, your grandchildren. We are all here in this story because it is a story about our future, or a possible future.Is it a probable future? That part is up to you, well, up to everyone, really. Each chapter or section boasts of news reports. All that are labeled “present day” are taken straight from the web. You decide their relevance to your life. The story is labeled “tomorrow” and that can mean, literally, tomorrow. Or it could mean an Orwellian 2084 or, if you prefer, 2048, because I am, likewise, painting a picture of how badly things could go for the human race. The Critical Mass Chronicles is the story of a conceivable future that is supported by Critical Mass Think, the new collective mentality that is currently sweeping the globe, recasting human values as is spreads…So, as you read, envision the possibilities, or probabilities, and assess for yourself what you will do when you walk out your door tomorrow…
Pease enjoy! And let me know what you think!!
The Candice Poems, embodies Jon’s ardent love for his lady, a demanding taskmaster who requires that reality pervade every line. Fortunately, as a muse and a lover, she is most prolific. Hence, this volume is truly a work of non-fiction.