We humans have now achieved Critical Mass.

What does this mean? 

Understanding what is happening in the world today is extremely difficult. Traditional norms, traditional ways of knowing, and traditional ways of assessing truth are being challenged. In fact, all values are currently challenged, and I think this is because of the great number of people alive today.

The world is fundamentally different than it has ever been. More people live in more places than ever before.

There are about 7.5 billion people alive today. According to the United Nations, BY 2025, “the world’s population will increase from 7.2 billion today to 8.1 billion in 2025. By 2050, it will reach 9.6 billion. That is about 1/3 more people than are alive today.

Consequently, I recommend viewing contemporary events through the Critical Mass prism.

This perspective is that human race reached Critical Massand that a huge Chain Reactionis occurring in human evaluation, our brains are changing, which means our culture is changing.

You can see the Critical Mass Chain Reactionoperating in every walk of life and, viewed from this perspective, it is easier to explain what is going on all around us. As we are in the midst of it, sometimes it is difficult to understand what is happening.



Jonathan Sanford Saul

When Critical Massoccurs, an unstoppable chain reaction occurs.

This is a scientific truth…we all know about nuclear reactions… a chain reaction occurs when critical mass is reached and boom! Everything is destroyed (changed)…the very atoms involved are altered and everything else along with them…That is the reason we fear a nuclear war because it can lead to nuclear proliferation, i.e., the destruction of the earth as we know it, perhaps no longer able to support life, especially human life……

Right now, today, in the 21stCentury, I contend that our Mass Societyhas reached Critical Mass.That means, in my opinion, that a chain reaction in human thought is occurring; a chain reaction in the evolution of the species, in the development of the human brain. The last 50 years of the 20thCentury can be described as the ascendancy of the Mass Society. We humans have now achieved Critical Mass.